The researchers suggest poor sleep is damaging the brain over time by causing inflammation and affecting the connections between brain cells.研究人员指出,长时间睡不好会损...
[12] Monk T H,Buysse D J,Carrier J,et al. Effects of afternoon “siesta”naps on sleep,alertness,performance,and circadian rhythms in the elderly [J]. Sleep,2001,24 ( 6 ) :...
本报讯据《科学》消息,美国东部时间9月22日,也是世界发作性睡病日当天,美国斯坦福大学的Emmanuel Mignot和日本筑波大学的Masashi Yanagisawa因发现嗜睡症的病因而获得2023年生命科学突破奖。被誉为“科学界奥斯卡”的科学突破奖,每年都会通过5个奖项向物理学、数学和...
It might even help you get into shape小憩可以帮助保持身材 A 2020 study focusing on women found the more sleep-deprived the women were, the more likely they were to consume ...